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Schmidt Saw and Knife Works in Beaumont, Texas: Review

Recently I had the honor of going to this gas chain saw shop in Beaumont, Texas. And, the name of the place is called Schmidt Saw and Knife Works. I have been going there for a while, because they are very friendly, and they have some real good prices in town.

What kind of services are offered by Schmidt Saw and Knife Works?

What kind of services are offered by Schmidt Saw and Knife Works

The services offered by Schmidt Saw and Knife Works are basically just nothing but gas chain saw services on the blades only. They do sharpening on any old gas chain saw blade you have. Just remember to take it off the gas chain saw, because these guys are so busy that they have no time to take it off your gas chain saw, find more info. If they act like they have an attitude don’t take it personal, because their days are so busy that they are just ready to go home. Try to go there in the morning, because that’s when everybody is happy, and ready to work, but at noon it’s a different story. The cost to sharpen your gas chain saw is any where from fifteen to twenty dollars. But, be prepared to wait about a week, because there is others in front of the waiting list. I usually get mine sharpened, but I go ahead and buy a new one for time being. The new chain saw blades are about twenty-five dollars with tax, and all. The place is kind of small, but the service is very well done. Apart from sharpening blades for chain saws, they also sell gas chain saws, and accessories. Basically it’s the paradise for the tree cutter, or someone who has a lawn business. And, one more thing make sure to wait in line, because they help who ever gets there first.

Where is Schmidt Saw and Knife Works located?

Where is Schmidt Saw and Knife Works located

Schmidt Saw and Knife Works is located in Beaumont, Texas. And, it has only one location, which is 2510 S. 4th St. Beaumont, Texas. Their phone number is 1-(409)-835-5976, and they are only open Monday through Fridays. Just give them a call, and they will give you all the opening, and closing details for the regular business days. This place is very easy to find. If you are going East Bound on Interstate-10 in Beaumont, Texas exit on Washington Blvd., and turn right all the way to 4th Street, and take a left until you see Schmidt Saw and Knife Works on the left side of the road by a car wash. If you ever go there just let me know in the comments below how well the service was.

Terry V Williams

Terry V. Williams is a professional writer who lives in Seward with his family and two cats. He earned M.Ed at Concordia University. He built his career as a freelancer in digital marketing. He proved that any one can make his career in digital marketing and earn a lot. His passions for gardening, and home improvement contribute to his wide knowledge of all things garden and home accessories. Throughout his career, Williams has gained experience in recreational planning, natural landscaping, estate landscaping.