These fast, weight-loss tips for senior prom aren’t meant for long-term weight programs. These tips are meant for a week to 10 days before prom night. They are nutritionally sound but not the best tasting, and aren’t the calories needed to maintain good health.
Additionally, these fast, weight-loss tips may be incorporated into long-term, healthy, weight-loss diets if desired. But for the purposes of fastest weight-loss for senior prom, follow the tips below after checking with your medical adviser.
Fast Weight-loss Tips

Fast Weight Loss Tips
1) If the stomach needs flattening, drink 2 tablespoons of flaxseed meal in 1 glass of water before meals. This will loosen anything in the intestinal tract that causes bulges by increasing bowel movements and reduce hunger. A day or two before prom, discontinue taking flaxseed meal, more information.
2) Purchase protein powder, such as Spiru-Tein®, that is fortified with vitamins and minerals. Spiru-Tein also offers 20 flavors so you may find one that tastes ok. Find fortified protein powders at health food stores.
3) Mix protein powder only in water (which can be chilled if it tastes better) for meals. This way, you get protein and nutrition you need without many calories. Some may need one good meal per day and 2 protein drinks but listen to your body. If you feel faint, eat food.
4) Keep celery and carrot sticks on hand. You don’t want to be sick and miss prom just because you feel you need to lose a few pounds. After all, if your friends and date judge you on your weight, then are they really your friends?
Healthy Weight-Loss Diet

A healthy meal consists of ½ a plate of vegetables, which are mostly green such as salad, 1/3 good fat such as avocado or walnuts, and the rest is protein. “Good” fat is needed to burn off “bad” fat plus fat is needed for hormones. Protein can be meat or vegan.
The day of prom, eat at least one good meal. The point of senior prom is to have fun, and if you are weak, that won’t happen. Additionally, if you are sick from detox, you may not even be able to go to prom. This is why I don’t recommend the Lemonade Diet for the fastest weight-loss diet. Detox can make you sick.
Senior Prom
So, whether wearing a designer prom dress, duct tape prom dress, vintage or anything else, have fun. Celebrate your achievement and make it a night to remember. It’s time to forget what seems to be the “perfect” image and you know you did the best you can with the fast, weight-loss diet.